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President Mandel Unveils Her Spotify Wrapped, Top Artist is 100 gecs

In an attempt to relate to the Williams student body and to make sure everyone knows how fucking sick her music taste is, President Maud Mandel has posted screenshots from her Spotify Unwrapped 2020 on her official Instagram account.

Mandel’s top five most listened to songs of the year were, in order, “Money Machine” by 100 gecs, “In the Aeroplane Over the Sea” by Neutral Milk Hotel, “Kyoto” by Phoebe Bridgers, the Glee cast version of “Sweet Caroline,” and of course, perennial Williams College classic “The Mountains.”

“I’d say my music tastes are pretty eclectic,” said Mandel when asked for comment. “I listen to a lot of stuff that you, like, probably haven’t heard of or anything. It’s pretty underground; don’t worry about it.” She rolled up the sleeves of her fashionably oversized black sweatshirt to reveal a wristband. “This is from this really obscure festival I went to two summers ago in Germany. I’d tell you the name, but you definitely wouldn’t recognize it—and also, I’m not supposed to go around telling normies about it; there are unspoken rules about that kind of thing, you know. I saw Japanese noise artist Merzbow live in concert there, though. It was fucking gnarly.”

Mandel, who has several advanced degrees and a decorated career in higher education, was more than happy to share her music recommendations with us. “Recently, I’ve been super into the microtonal piano works of 20th century Russian composer Ivan Wyschnegradsky. Shit goes hard as fuck, but just warning you, it’s not for the faint of heart,” she said, applying an extra layer of black lipstick. “People are really surprised when they find out about this, because I’m a 53-year-old Jewish woman and the president of Williams College, but I’m actually super alt and edgy. Anyway, wanna see the stick-n-poke I got from the cute she/they with a septum piercing and pink bangs at a techno concert in the meat locker of a grocery store in Warsaw?”

At press time, Mandel heard the sound of the squealing tires of a passing truck on nearby asphalt and totally lost her shit. “Yooooo, I’m totally geccing out right now, bro.”

You can listen to President Mandel’s whole playlist here.


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