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Brave: This Girl Applied to be A WOOLF Leader Despite Having No Stickers on Her Nalgene Water Bottle

We here at The Needle love to feature strong, independent women who break barriers. Alexandra Davis ‘23, fits the bill perfectly. After the Outing Club sent out applications for WOOLF leaders for the class of 2024, Davis applied despite having a completely bare Nalgene water bottle. Like, no stickers at all. Davis knew she wanted to be a WOOLF Leader since her orientation trip. What she didn’t know is that she would be overcoming immense odds in applying, since no leader has ever applied with a sticker-free water bottle.

The bottle in question is a green Nalgene that she “got off of Amazon.” As of now, the bottle is undecorated, meaning no stickers from national parks she’s visited, outerwear apparel stores, or even occasional pieces of fruit (to show she’s spontaneous). From a distance you might think it has a sticker on it, but that’s actually the label that says “BPA free.” We know it certainly fooled us!

“Yeah I mostly just use it to drink water,” said Davis, in a tone that evoked the strength of Mohammed Ali and the humility of Gandhi. “I don’t really care about the decorations. You said this was for the newspaper?” Was that a stoic tear falling down her cheek, or did we imagine it?

So far, WOC has responded positively to Davis changing the rules of the game.

“Honestly during her interview I didn’t hear anything she said,” said former WOOLF leader Timmy Squirrelman ‘22. “I didn’t even pay attention to what kitchen utensil she would be. I just kept thinking about how I could see all the way through her bottle. It was a bold move on her part, and honestly I’m impressed.”

For many, Davis is breaking down boundaries and redefining what it means to be a WOOLF leader, shattering the BPA free, plastic ceiling. “This is really the diversity we were looking for,” said Squirrelman. “I hope incoming first years with boring, uninspired water bottles will feel represented.” Is she as brave as our troops? Maybe.

However, others aren’t thrilled about changing standards, and feel as though traditions are being destroyed.“She doesn’t even attach it to her bag with a carabiner,” said a disgusted Lily Ryker ‘23. “I have two Patagonia stickers, an L.L. Bean Sticker, and a sticker that’s a vine reference (to show I’m light hearted), so if they don’t let me be a WOOLF leader I swear to God I’ll start a riot. Alexandra is a coward and probably hates the environment too.”

When reached for comment about this juicy accusation, Alexandra retorted with “I honestly don’t care, please stop contacting me.” Talk about a cat fight! Or should we say woolf fight ;)?

This is a developing story. If Davis gets any stickers, we’ll totally print it here in The Needle unless there’s something more interesting to write about.


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