Baxter Hall — One inspiring sophomore has made the most of the free time afforded to him during Winter Study. Lucas Finley ’22, a prospective philosophy major from Greenwich, Conn., has dedicated himself to reading in public and telling other students how much he enjoys it.
“Oh, hey!” Finley said to a Haystack reporter, sliding a Strand bookmark onto Page 8 of a brand new copy of Ulysses. “Didn’t see you there. I’ve just been getting so into Ulysses.”
“Winter Study is one of the most personally and intellectually rewarding times of the year,” says Finley, “because I can finally spend time on the things that really give me pleasure, like telling people how much I like reading for pleasure.”
“And it’s not like I could read for pleasure in high school, either, because my boarding school was, like, so rigorous,” he added.
Will Haberman ’22, Finley’s suitemate, was reached for comment about his friend’s new reading habit. “It’s weird because he says he loves reading, but he never reads in the suite,” Haberman said. “If I need to find him, I go to the couches in the middle of Pareksy, where I know he’ll be reading, like, On the Road.”
Finley, who was sitting by the fire in Paresky and sweating slightly, said he was “so into” Joyce.
“It’s great, because it’s like the Odyssey, which I read the summer before college, but it’s also not. I love the juxtaposition between the classical and the modernist.”
Finley was last seen yawning, pulling out his phone and beginning to scroll through Instagram.